What is preventing the buttons from filling the entire space of the parent element in this case?


I'm trying to figure out how to make the Repos and Stars buttons fill the entire height of their parent container, similar to the Github icon. Unfortunately, the code below is not achieving this effect. I attempted adding height:100% to the flatButtonStyle, but it resulted in the entire Paper component extending to take up the full page. How can I resolve this issue?

return <>
          <Grid container>
                    <Button style={flatButtonStyle}><GithubSVG /></Button>
                    <Tooltip title="Visit github.com/nateshmbhat">
                        <a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/nateshmbhat" style={{ padding: '10px' }}>nateshmbhat</a>
                    <Button style={flatButtonStyle}><i className="fa fa-archive"></i> repos</Button>
                    <Button style={flatButtonStyle}><i className="fa fa-star"></i> Stars</Button>

Answer №1

The reason why the GitHub button is occupying the entire height of the paper container is because the GitHub SVG has the highest height, and the paper container adjusts its size based on its contents due to the absence of a fixed height.

If you want all buttons to have an equal height, you can either assign a fixed height to the paper container and set each button's min-height to 100%, or give all buttons a fixed height matching that of the GitHub button, which has the tallest height.

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