What is preventing me from adding a borderRadius to this particular React bootstrap tab?

I have been working on tabbed content and encountered an issue with applying border radius. Despite adding style={{borderRadius: "10px"}}, it seems to have no effect. This styling works perfectly everywhere else in my project, so I am puzzled as to why it's not working for tabs specifically.

No matter where I try to implement the border radius, it simply does not show up. Is there something crucial that I might be overlooking?

Below are the tabs:

<Col md={6} xl={4} className='m-b-30' >
    <Tabs defaultActiveKey="today" style={{borderRadius: "10px"}} >
        <Tab eventKey="today" title="Today" >
        <Tab eventKey="week" title="Tomorrow">
        <Tab eventKey="all" title="Active Status">

And here is the content within the tabs:

const tabContent = (
        <div className="media friendlist-box align-items-center justify-content-center m-b-20"style={{border: "solid 1px black"}}>
            <div className="m-r-10 photo-table">
                <a href={DEMO.BLANK_LINK}><img className="rounded-circle" style={{width: '40px'}} src={avatar1} alt="activity-user"/></a>
            <div className="media-body">
                <h6 className="m-0 d-inline">Evelina Tofan</h6>
                <span className="float-right d-flex  align-items-center">DO &nbsp;<i className="fa fa-caret-down f-22 m-r-10 text-c-red"/></span>
        (additional content goes here...)

Answer №1

When it comes to Tabs, you have the option to customize its appearance by passing a prop called style with a property like border radius. However, if the Tabs component does not utilize this specific prop (named "style" in this case), then it will not have any impact on the tabs.

To achieve the desired visual effect, you can apply styles directly to the JSX/HTML element or update the Tabs component to pass along the style prop to its child components or JSX elements.

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