What is preventing a nested flexbox from expanding to the entire width?

Here's an example of some HTML/CSS code:

<div style="display: flex; background-color: yellow;">
  <div style="display: flex;background-color: lightblue;">i am a NESTED flexbox</div>

This results in

Notice how the inner flexbox (lightblue background color) does not fill the entire width, unlike the outer flexbox (yellow background).

Why is it that a nested flexbox container doesn't expand to match the full width of its parent?

Hint: I'm aware that adding flex: 1 can fix this issue, but what we're exploring here is the reason behind this behavior rather than how to resolve it.

Answer №1

The sky blue container is actually considered a flexible element. The default attributes of flexible elements are:

flex-grow: 0;
flex-shrink: 1;
flex-basis: auto;

Therefore, the element will not expand to occupy additional space, it will contract instead, and pay attention to my width or height property for the base.

Answer №2

When you look at your nested div-block with a light blue background, you'll notice that it only occupies the space it needs. This can be demonstrated by doubling the text within the nested block.

This behavior is influenced by default settings and context formatting:

If you prefer the nested div to occupy the full width, you have the option to add width: 100%; or flex:1 in the CSS of the nested div.

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