What is causing the qtip tooltip to show up on buttons with different ids?

I have a requirement to display tooltips only for specific buttons and not for others. I am facing an issue where the tooltip intended for the TAB button is showing up when hovering over other buttons like FOO and BAR as well. Could this be due to them sharing the same class even though TAB has a unique ID?

This is how I've implemented it:

    $('#TabBtn').mouseover(function () {
        BrowserSide.Objects.ToolTip("#TabBtn", "Tab");
    }).mouseout(function () {
        $("#TabBtn").qtip('destroy', true);

The Tooltip function is defined as follows:


    $(elementId).parent().mouseover(function (event) {

            overwrite: false,
            content: toolTipContent,
            once: false,
            show: {
                event: event.type,
                delay: 500,
                ready: true,
            position: {

                my: 'top center',
                at: 'top center',
                target: 'mouse',
                adjust: {
                    x: 0,
                    y: -35,
                    mouse: true  // Can be omitted (e.g. default behaviour)
            style: {
                classes: "qtip-tooltip-for-ellipse"
        }, event);

Here is the relevant HTML code snippet:

<button id="TabBtn" class='newUI-toolbar-button-with-icon' style="margin:10px 8px 5px 8px; width:40px !important; height:30px !important"><span id="toolbar-TAB" class="newUI-toolbar-button-label" style="position: relative; top: -2px">Tab</span></button>
<button class='newUI-toolbar-button-with-icon' style="margin:10px 8px 5px 8px; width:40px !important; height:30px !important"><span id="toolbar-FOO" class="newUI-toolbar-button-label" style="position: relative; top: -2px; left: -4px">Foo</span></button>
<button class='newUI-toolbar-button-with-icon' style="margin:10px 8px 5px 8px; width:40px !important; height:30px !important"><span id="toolbar-BAR" class="newUI-toolbar-button-label" style="font-size: 8px !important;position: relative; top: -3px; left: -4px">Bar</span></button>

Answer №1

Exploring the Default qTip

Let's delve into the default functionality of qtip.

    content: "Hover over for a qtip"

This feature generates a qtip that pops up whenever the user hovers over the button. It accomplishes this without needing to specify a hover handler explicitly. (see demo)

The Target of qTip

The qtip displays on whatever element is selected to the left of the .qtip() function. Therefore,

// when parent of button is hovered over
$(elementId).parent().mouseover(function (event) {
    // add a qtip to $(this)

In this context, this refers to the window object. As a result, you are attaching a qtip to the global window object but only creating and removing it when you hover over the parent of a button. Needless to say, there is no valid rationale for doing this.

Recommended qTip Usage

Unless you have a specific scenario requiring manual display and concealment of tooltips, avoid it. Instead, leverage qTip's built-in event handling and customize it with options or callbacks.

I suggest:

  • 1 qtip per button
  • initialize the qtip only once
  • set up the qtip when the page loads (or widget initializes, etc)
  • utilize the show and hide options for controlling visibility

Therefore, based on your code snippet, it seems like you desire something similar to the following:

var ToolTip = function (element, toolTipContent) { // Attaches one qtip to one element. 
        content: toolTipContent,
        show: {
            event: "mouseenter",
            delay: 500,
            //ready: true, //avoid this
        position: {
            target: 'mouse', //qtip will track the mouse
            my: 'top center',
            at: 'top center',
            adjust: {
               x: 0,
               y: 15,
        style: {
            classes: "qtip-tooltip-for-ellipse"

ToolTip("#TabBtn", "Tab"); // This should be executed only once during page load

Visit Fiddle

Answer №2

Do you have a specific reason for continuously adding a new .mouseover handler to the button's parent every time you mouse over the button?

You could achieve the same outcome by simply doing:

$('#TabBtn').mouseover(function (event) {
    BrowserSide.Objects.ToolTip("#TabBtn", "Tab", event);

function(elementId, toolTipContent, event){
            overwrite: false,
            content: toolTipContent,
            once: false,
            show: {
                event: event.type,
                delay: 500,
                ready: true,
            position: {

                my: 'top center',
                at: 'top center',
                target: 'mouse',
                adjust: {
                    x: 0,
                    y: -35,
                    mouse: true  // Can be omitted (e.g. default behavior)
            style: {
                classes: "qtip-tooltip-for-ellipse"
        }, event);

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