What happens when we use an asterisk (*) in front of a CSS property?

input, textarea, select {
  font-family: inherit;
  font-size: inherit;
  font-weight: inherit;
input, textarea, select {
  *font-size: 100%;

The code snippet above is taken from the YUI reset css. Can you explain the significance of the asterisk (*) before the 'font-size: 100%' declaration?

Answer №1

This code snippet is a workaround specifically for Internet Explorer. It will only work as intended on IE 7 and earlier versions. For more details, refer to this link.

Update: While this hack may work, it is not recommended to use invalid CSS in your projects. There are cleaner ways to achieve the desired result without relying on hacks like these. You never know how future versions of IE might behave. It's better to isolate these hacks in a separate CSS file that can be conditionally included using conditional comments.

Answer №2

Just for clarification: In IE6/7, the inheritance of font-size is not supported. This workaround aims to still achieve the desired result.

Answer №3

It seems like an unconventional workaround to restrict that definition exclusively to IE 7 or earlier versions, as most modern browsers do not recognize an asterisk as a valid character before an attribute name.

Answer №4

As mentioned before, these are tricks used to customize styles for certain browsers. Marc's advice is spot on, and here's a helpful link to get you started:

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