What CSS attribute determines the distinction in visual presentation between two elements that share the same CSS configurations?

In the HTML code below, there is a button and a div with the same class and content:

<div class="root"><!--
--><button class="outer"><div class="middle"><div class="inner">label</div></div></button><!--
--><div    class="outer"><div class="middle"><div class="inner">label</div></div></div   ><!--

In this example, I have deliberately set every CSS property for the classes outer, middle, and inner.

Both the button.outer and div.outer elements in the DOM should have identical CSS settings. The styles are directly applied from the provided stylesheet.

Although they share the same CSS properties, the side-by-side button and div appear different. The label in the button sits at the bottom while in the div it is vertically centered. Both are horizontally aligned. This difference persists across browsers like Chrome and Firefox.

The discrepancy in rendering could be due to certain CSS values (e.g., auto or normal) being interpreted differently by the browser based on whether the element is a button or a div.

I aim to understand why the button and div display differently so that I can adjust the CSS effectively.

Long-term, I strive for predictability in my CSS coding, as the current inconsistencies lead to instability.

My question is:

How can we explain the visual difference between the button and the div?

1 Based on Chrome's devtool findings.
2Values primarily sourced from Chrome's devtool listings to ensure uniformity across both button and div elements.

Answer №1

It seems that the issue stems from the different interpretations of the auto value for element positioning within a button. When enlarging a div, the content naturally aligns to the top-left corner by default. However, in the case of a button, the content is centered both horizontally and vertically.

To make the button's content behave like a typical div (aligning to the top left), you can reset the values of top and left for the class .middle:

.middle {
    top: 0;
    left: 0;

You can view the updated JSFiddle with these adjustments made to the .middle class here.

Answer №2

Each type of element comes with its own default styles. Your demos are filled with a significant amount of CSS, which may be excessive and makes it difficult to pinpoint the source of rendering differences.

Have you considered using a CSS reset instead? This approach can help iron out most inconsistencies across various elements and browsers, providing you with a clean slate to apply your custom styles.

Answer №3

What is causing the difference in appearance between the button and the div?

To determine the property (or properties) responsible for this difference, you can click through each one in Dev Tools and toggle them on and off. For example, disabling the position:absolute property on the middle class may reveal the expected layout. By examining all the properties in the Elements > Styles panel, you can identify the specific issue. Here's an example: https://jsfiddle.net/vfdd9p8L/

This discrepancy could be a browser bug due to complex styling. To troubleshoot or report the bug, try creating a simplified test case with minimal elements and declarations that still demonstrate the problem.

(Please note that your fiddle includes jQuery CSS, which contains Normalize styles, adding another layer of styling complexity.)

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