What could be the unexpected "gap" appearing in the Bootstrap <span> image?

Trying to implement a delete functionality in Backbone.js by adding an "X" icon using Bootstrap's

<span class="delete-acceptance glyphicon glyphicon-remove btn-sm"></span>
icon. After applying CSS :hover, the intention is to display a pointer when hovering over the "X". However, there appears to be additional space surrounding the icon, causing the pointer to appear even outside the icon's boundaries.

Referencing the green area shown around the "X" in this image:

Why does this extra space exist and how can it be removed? Appreciate any insights on this issue. Thank you!

Answer №1

The green section serves as the padding for this element, serving as an integral part of its box model.

Answer №2

To eliminate the green zone, simply apply padding: 0; within your element style. Alternatively, to exclude the green zone from the clickable region, use box-sizing: content-box;. For further information and detailed instructions, please refer to the link provided in the post below.

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