What could be the reason for the css problems being caused by my flash banner?

My flash banner ad is being displayed on a website as an advertisement at the bottom of the page. Whenever the banner ad is shown, the scroll bar disappears. The following CSS code appears when the flash banner is active:

body {margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden;}

The "overflow: hidden" property is causing the issue with the scroll bar, but I'm unsure where it's originating from.

Could a flash banner potentially impact the CSS on the webpage in this manner?

Answer №1

I've encountered a similar issue before. Every time I upload a Flash Banner Ad to Google's Double Click studio, the scrollbar on the page where it is loaded seems to vanish because of my ad. Interestingly, this problem does not occur with the other ads in rotation.

margin: 0;

Answer №2

When the overflow: hidden; property is applied to the body tag, it hides anything that goes beyond the current browser view, preventing scrollbars from appearing. To address this issue, consider removing this property and placing it in a more appropriate location, such as on a div element where a banner is displayed.

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