What could be causing the issue with hammer.js swiping functionality on iPhones?

Looking for assistance from those experienced with hammer.js, as I'm facing an issue with swiping/scrolling on iPhones.

I have been developing a web app using 8thwall and hammer.js for swipe and scroll functionality. While testing on my Samsung Galaxy S10, everything works perfectly. However, when testing on various iPhone models such as iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone XR, and iPhone 6s, the swiping and scrolling do not function at all. Any guidance on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Here are snippets of my code:

AFRAME.registerComponent('scroll-lines', {
    init: function(){
        var container = document.getElementById("scrolling-container");
        var content = document.getElementById("button-collections");
        var hammer = new Hammer(container);

        var initialX = 0;
        var deltaX = 0;
        var offset = initialX + deltaX;

        hammer.on("panleft panright", function(ev) {
            deltaX = ev.deltaX;
            offset = initialX + deltaX;

            container.scroll(-offset, 0);

        Hammer.on(container, "mouseup", function(e) {
            initialX = offset;

<div id="scrolling-container">
    <div id="button-collections">
        <div id="box-all" class="cantap"></div>
        <div id="box-seremban" class="cantap"></div>
        <div id="box-klang" class="cantap"></div>
        <div id="box-ampang" class="cantap"></div>
        <div id="box-petaling" class="cantap"></div>
        <div id="box-kj" class="cantap"></div>
        <div id="box-ekspres" class="cantap"></div>
        <div id="box-transit" class="cantap"></div>
        <div id="box-monorail" class="cantap"></div>
        <div id="box-kajang" class="cantap"></div>
        <div id="box-skypark" class="cantap"></div>

The CSS:

    z-index: 10;
    position: absolute;
    display: flex;
    top: 55%;
    width: 100%;
    cursor: pointer;
    background-color: red;
   display: flex;
   flex-direction: horizontal;
   overflow: scroll;
   height: 150px;
   padding-top: 170px;
   width: 100%;

UPDATE: Tried suggested solutions but no resolution. Discovered that using var hammer = new Hammer(container); works for Android but not iOS. Meanwhile, var hammer = new Hammer(content); works for both platforms, though there's an issue with scrolling to the end on mouseup for both iOS and Android when utilizing panleft, panright, and panend events.

UPDATE 2: As hammerjs is somewhat functional on iPhones now, the initial question has been partially answered. Closing this query and opening a new one to address the current situation.

Answer №1

Are you certain about using pan as the gesture? Pan is primarily used for dragging. In hammer.js, swipe is referred to as swipe. It's possible that the correct gesture is triggered on Android but not on iPhone. If you move your finger quickly, it registers as a swipe rather than a pan. Also, consider using panend instead of mouseup, as Android may trigger mouseup events while iPhone does not.

The potential events associated with pan are:

  • panstart
  • panmove
  • panend
  • pancancel
  • panleft
  • panright
  • panup
  • pandown

Answer №2

It is recommended to opt for swipeleft and swiperight events over pan events for better performance.

Answer №3

On iOS, if the elements do not have a defined cursor, the client-side events mousedown and mouseup necessary for swipe functionality will not be triggered. For more information, refer to How to make my 'click' function work with iOS.

If you detect an iOS device, add a class ios-device to your <body> tag and apply the following style:

body.ios-device {
    cursor: pointer !important; /* This is essential for click events on iOS! */

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