What could be causing my tabs (such as HOME, ABOUT ME..) not displaying the correct paragraph or section content?

I have set up navigation tabs on my website using anchor tags, but they are currently not linked to any specific paragraphs. I want the corresponding paragraph to be displayed when a tab is clicked, but I'm unsure how to add this functionality using jQuery or JavaScript.

This is an excerpt of my code:

.PHP file:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en>

.CSS file:


Answer №1

Ensure that the values in the href and id attributes of your divs match for proper navigation functionality. For example:

<a href="#about_section">About</a>

<div id="about_section">
<p> This is information about us.</p>

Answer №2

The process you are configuring involves creating an in-page navigation bar. By adjusting the links to correspond with the actual identifiers, clicking on a link will prompt the browser to scroll to the related div.

In simpler terms, you must either eliminate _contents from all anchor elements or include _contents in all links within top_menu for any action to take place.

Answer №3

Feel free to try out the code snippet below:

$('ul > li > a').click(function () {
        $('#all_contents >div').hide();
        var $this = $(this);
        var target = $this.attr('href');
        return false;

For a live demonstration, check out this Demo

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