Creating a Jquery method to handle multi-line ellipsis for long text

Check out this fiddle I made:

This snippet handles multiline ellipsis:

$(function() {
var ellipsisText = $('.multilineEllipseText');
var textContainer = $('.incidentCellBottomRight').height();
while ($(ellipsisText).outerHeight(true) > textContainer) {
    $(ellipsisText).text(function(index, text) {
        return text.replace(/\W*\s(\S)*$/, '...');


The original function can be found here: Cross browsers mult-lines text overflow with ellipsis appended within a width&height fixed div?

Although the function works for multiline content, it doesn't let the text reach the edges. For single-line content, the ellipsis appears after just one word.

Ideally, text should fill up to the max height of its parent div, which is set at 100px.

Answer №1

Within your code snippet, you have the following line:

var $ellipsisText = $('.multilineEllipseText');

This line selects all elements with the class .multilineEllipseText. However, later on in your code, you are utilizing .outerHeight(true), which will only return the height of the first element within that set.

As a result, this approach works for the first element, but for subsequent elements, you will be comparing their heights to that of the first element, leading to inaccurate comparisons.

To address this issue, consider the following adjustment:

var textContainerHeight= $('.incidentCellBottomRight').height();

$('.multilineEllipseText').each(function () {
  var $ellipsisText = $(this);

  while ($ellipsisText.outerHeight(true) > textContainerHeight) {
    $ellipsisText.text(function(index, text) {
      return text.replace(/\W*\s(\S)*$/, '...');

Check out the demo here:

Answer №2

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Answer №3

Although this answer may be outdated, I wanted to share a similar issue and solution that remains relevant.

I have a responsive website with paragraphs that need to be limited to 3 lines and expand when clicked for aesthetic reasons without refreshing the page for every screen size change.

Here is the elegant solution I came up with:

  * @name   - Ellipsify
  * @desc   - trims and adds ellipsis to element when element text height is greater than element height
  * @param  - [required] (string)identity - string containing jquery selector used to create object group (array) based on selector
  * @function : _init - calculates each element and determines need for ellipsis, then truncates text as needed
var Ellipsify = function(identity) {
    if (identity) {
        this.identity = identity; = $(this.identity);
        if ( > 0) {
Ellipsify.prototype = {
    _init : function() {
        var that = this; {
            if ($(this).children('.hidden').length > 0) {
                $(this).children(':not(.hidden)').text($(this).children(':not(.hidden)').text().replace('...',' ') + $(this).children('.hidden').text());
            if ($(this).children().outerHeight() > $(this).innerHeight()) {
                $(this).append('<span class="hidden"></span>');
                while ($(this).children(':not(.hidden)').outerHeight() > $(this).innerHeight()) {
                    var paragraph = $(this).children(':not(.hidden)').text().replace('...', '');
                    var lastword = paragraph.substring(paragraph.lastIndexOf(' '));
                    $(this).children(':not(.hidden)').text(paragraph.substring(0, paragraph.lastIndexOf(' ')) + '...');
                    $(this).children('.hidden').text(lastword + $(this).children('.hidden').text());

The HTML structure includes:

<p><span>Big paragraph of text goes here.</span></p>

and for CSS styling:

p {
.hidden {

Answer №4

Experience full-word multi-line word-wrap with ellipsis by visiting this link:

To achieve this effect, simply adjust the following properties in your code:

var containerWidth = 400;
var numberOfLines = 4;

Answer №5

$(".jsgrid-cell").forEach(function(index, value){
    var textContent=$(value).text();
        var trimmedText=textContent.substring(0, 100)+
        "<span onclick='$(this).hide();$(this).next().toggle();'>"+
        "<span style='display:none'>"+
            textContent.substring(100, textContent.length)+
        $(value).html(trimmedText );

Answer №6

An efficient Jquery function designed for creating single line ellipsis text. This function can also be utilized to count characters in a textbox, span, or any other DOM element. Simply input the Text (String) and Size (Int) parameters.

// Character Count Ellipsis
function EllipsisChar(text, size) {
    var len = text.length;
    if (len >= size) {
        // add ... if text length is equal to or greater than the specified size
        text = text.substring(0, size) + "...";
    else {
        // perform an action if text length is lesser
    return text;

Here is an example of how to use this function:

var EllipsisReturnText = EllipsisChar("Sample text goes here", 10);


"Sample tex..."

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