What could be causing my jQuery to malfunction after I include the .sqrt() function?

Seeking assistance in creating a grid of divs, I am working on finding the square root of the user's input to determine the height and width required to form a square. The code below is what I currently have:

 var big = prompt('Enter the desired number of cubes');
 var final = $(big).sqrt();

If you would like to view my entire project on jsfiddle, please click on the following link: https://jsfiddle.net/ztwsptys/ Any assistance or feedback is greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

For finding the square root of a large number, just use Math.sqrt(big). As long as you confirm that big is indeed a Number, there's no need to complicate things by using jQuery to handle it. It's important to ensure that big is genuinely a numeric value. Often when taking user input, the data is received as a string. In such cases, you may need to convert it using ParseFloat or ParseInt based on the expected type of input.

Answer №2

Consider using Math.sqrt(big); in place of $(big).sqrt();

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