What are the strategies employed by Wix in utilizing mobile and desktop CSS?

While browsing through Wix, I stumbled upon something quite intriguing that left me puzzled.

On a desktop with a width of 2560px, the Wix page loaded normally. But what caught my attention was when I resized the screen to make it smaller, either by using inspect mode and setting the width to 320px or by manually adjusting my browser window size - the CSS didn't switch to mobile automatically. It only made the change once I refreshed the page.

The interesting part is that this behavior works both ways. After refreshing the page and returning to desktop mode (width 2560px), the mobile CSS would still be in effect until another refresh was done.

This kind of magic is new to me and I'm curious to learn how it functions and how it can be utilized effectively.

On a side note, I wonder if this feature has any impact on SEO and page load speed optimization?

Answer №1

In traditional websites (excluding Editorx), Wix dynamically calculates the CSS on the server based on the user's device. Adjusting the resolution does not alter the server's initial response, which is why a page update is required to see changes.

It is important to note that even when resizing the window while visiting wix.com, the desktop version is still displayed. Only by simulating a mobile device will you be able to access the mobile layout.

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