What could be causing my cross fade to not repeat as intended?

I created a basic background image cross fader using the code found at http://jsfiddle.net/jRDkm/2/. This code was inspired by .

However, I'm encountering an issue where the slideshow only repeats once before fading to white. How can I modify the code to make it continuously repeat?

Here is the JS code:

function slideshow() {
$('#fullscreen-slider li:gt(0)').hide();
    $('#fullscreen-slider :first-child').fadeOut()
}, 3000);

Answer №1

Your current selector is not accurate. Please attempt the following:

$('#fullscreen-slider li:first').fadeOut()

To see a demonstration, visit: http://jsfiddle.net/jRDkm/5/

Answer №2


/* Code snippet from plugins.js */
function adjustElements() {
    $('ul#fullscreen-slider li').height( $(window).height() ).width( $(window).width() );

function startSlideshow() {
    var index = 0;
    var $slides =  $('#fullscreen-slider li');
        $slides.eq(index++ % $slides.length).fadeTo(600,1).siblings().fadeTo(600,0);
    }, 3000);

$(document).ready(function() {

Answer №3

Check out this code snippet: http://jsfiddle.net/jRDkm/4/

function slideshow() {
    $('#fullscreen-slider li:gt(0)').hide();
        $('#fullscreen-slider li:eq(0)').fadeOut()
    }, 3000);

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