What causes the variation in table border display between Firefox, IE, and Chromium browsers?

I am utilizing Datatables to display a data table.
Although it works correctly, Firefox shows a thicker border after every n rows :

Is this a "Firefox feature" designed to make tables more readable? Or could it possibly be a CSS bug? Upon inspecting with Firebug, I noticed that every row and cell have the exact same border size and CSS (excluding color).

 Check out the jsfiddle example    

I encountered the same issue in this jsfiddle

I've tested this on IE 8, Chromium, Opera ... and it appears that Firefox is the only browser experiencing this problem.

Edit 1:
I was unable to find a solution in the suggested duplicate thread.

  • The zoom factor is set to 100% (no zoom)
  • I am using Firefox 24.

Edit 2:
Even after trying the solutions from the possible duplicate, none seemed to work. It's peculiar because if I use Crtl+scroll down (zoom out) just once, then the table displays correctly. However, when I simply use Ctrl+0 to reset the zoom, the strange border reappears.

Edit 3:

<table aria-describedby="mainTable_info" style="margin-left: 0px; width: 100%;" class="dataTable" id="mainTable" frame="box" rules="all">

    <tbody aria-relevant="all" aria-live="polite" role="alert">
    <tr id="1603" class="odd PRODUCTREJECTED"><td class="">1603</td><td class="">tjyhhyytj</td><td class="">POP</td><td class="">61429</td><td class=""><a href="http://cscscscscs.fr" target="_blank">delivery_number1</a></td><td class="">poney2</td><td class=""></td><td class="">PRODUCT REJECTED</td><td class=" sorting_1">2013-07-08 13:28:07</td><td class=""></td><td class=""></td><td class=""></td></tr>
    <tr id="1602" class="even DEPLOYMENTREQUEST"><td class="">1602</td><td class="">tyjytjhtyjn</td><td class="">POP</td><td class="">61364</td><td class=""><a hr...

Answer №1

Perhaps this issue is a result of rounding errors. I have noticed it occurring in Firefox when zooming in or out by a few steps from the default view. The image attached appears to be slightly zoomed in.

It's possible that your default zoom level has been altered, causing everything to appear somewhat magnified. It's worth considering if the PPI/DPI settings on your operating system could also be influencing this change.

UPDATE: Evidence suggests that changes to PPI settings can indeed impact default zoom levels: Impacts of altering default browser zoom levels

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