What causes the lower gap to be smaller than expected when using "top: 50%; translateY(-50%);" on specific elements within the parent container?

My top-bar layout needs to have all elements vertically centered, but I'm experiencing issues with the top-bar_right-part not behaving as expected when using the core_vertical-align class. The left menu works fine, however.

To illustrate the problem, here is my code on CodePen: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/gXGxWz

The issue seems to be related to how the right part elements do not inherit the correct height of the top-bar, unlike the left menu which does. As a result, the vertical alignment is off. Here's a visual representation from the codepen:

Answer №1

If you're open to a different and more effective approach, consider using flexbox to center elements vertically in the navbar. Simply set the parent of your elements to: -display: flex; -align-items: center; This will ensure that all your elements are aligned vertically at the center. For additional information, check out: align-items center

Answer №2

At the beginning of this situation, the issue arises with position: absolute; elements being positioned based on the nearest parent with position: relative;.

When you attempt to center the element vertically using

top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%)
, it centers the element according to the dimensions and placement of .top-bar_right-part.

I have included a modified codepen link that demonstrates the elements properly aligned after adding height: 100% to line 16. This action sets the height of the right floating div to match 100% of its parent, thus aligning the position: absolute; elements within it to the entire navigation size, resulting in a correctly vertically centered item.

The key takeaway is to remember that when dealing with absolute positioning, the placement is determined by the closest relative parent's position. Therefore, ensure proper positioning of both the relative parent and the absolute child.

Change in lines 16-18: https://codepen.io/KyleCRat/pen/bYvWJz

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