Adjust parent div size based on image size increase

I am currently facing a situation where I have a page displaying an image, but sometimes it appears too small. In order to make the image larger, I have utilized CSS Transform and it is working well.

However, the issue lies in the fact that the parent DIV's size does not adjust accordingly, despite there being ample space for it to expand!

The use of overflow on the parent element does not solve my problem as it either crops the image or adds a scroll bar. What I need is for the parent DIV to grow along with the image.

To better illustrate my point, I have created a simple example here:

When you click on the "Zoom" button, my goal is for the div to enlarge and for the content below to be pushed down. At the same time, I want the page to initially load with the content displayed at the top without any changes. I hope this explanation is clear.

It is worth mentioning that Bootstrap is being used on my page and the zoom button simply applies a class to the image:

javascript:var img = $(''); img.addClass('zoom');

Thank you!

Answer №1

Consider approaching it from a different angle. Instead of resizing the image, try adjusting the size of the div container to fit the image.

You can achieve this by applying the following CSS style to the image (assuming .yourimg is the class).

.yourimg {
  display: block;
  width: 100%;

Answer №2

If you want your current div to expand to fit all its contents, try inserting the following code at the end of it before closing the div tag.

<div style="clear: both;"></div>

Make sure your div opens, contains its content, adds the code above, and closes properly.

Answer №3

Witness the execution of Joseph the Dreamer's technique in action. Explore it right over here. This method solely depends on establishing display: block; and width: 100%;.

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