What causes the html5 <audio> tag to appear differently on Chrome versus IE browsers?

When viewed in Chrome, the design appears clean and compact, but when seen in Internet Explorer, it looks large and overwhelming. Check out the screenshots below.. Do you have any suggestions to fix this issue? Know of any mp3 hosting platforms with an embed option that resembles the second screenshot (Chrome display)?

https://i.stack.imgur.com/5XebR.png IE

https://i.stack.imgur.com/cdNrR.png Chrome

EDIT: How can I adjust the IE version to match the appearance of the Chrome version? Alternatively, do you know of any hosting sites with embed styles similar to Chrome?

Answer №1

If you want to customize the appearance of the html5 audio/video controls using css, here is a sample code snippet:

HTML Structure

<div id="custom-controls" class="controls" data-state="hidden">
   <button id="playpause" type="button" data-state="play">Play/Pause</button>
   <button id="stop" type="button" data-state="stop">Stop</button>
   <div class="progress">
      <progress id="progress" value="0" min="0">
         <span id="progress-bar"></span>
   <button id="mute" type="button" data-state="mute">Mute/Unmute</button>
   <button id="volinc" type="button" data-state="volup">Vol+</button>
   <button id="voldec" type="button" data-state="voldown">Vol-</button>
   <button id="fs" type="button" data-state="go-fullscreen">Fullscreen</button>

Custom Styling

The video container and its controls are nested within a <figure> element, with specific width, height, and positioning styles applied for layout and display purposes:

figure {
   margin:1.25rem auto;

To ensure proper alignment and arrangement, additional styling rules are required for the video controls container:

.controls {
   height:8.0971659919028340080971659919028%; /* relative to figure's height */

audio {
    background-color: #95B9C7;


  1. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Apps/Fundamentals/Audio_and_video_delivery/Video_player_styling_basics

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