Tips on updating a specific value within an element stored in an array

I'm currently in the process of setting up a table where each row contains unique values. Using a for loop, I am able to generate these rows and store them in an array. Now, my question arises when I consider modifying a particular value with the id "number" within the row stored at Row_Array[2]. How can I accomplish this task efficiently using JavaScript or jQuery?

Below is an example of how I create and save the rows in my array:

var Row_Array = new Array(); 
var number_initiated_rows = 0; 

for (var i = 0; i <= finalnumber; i++) { 
    newrow = "<tr><td id='number'>" + i + "</td><td><input class='segment' min='0' type='number' value='" + lengthx + "'></td></tr>";

    // Storing the generated rows in the array
    Row_Array[number_initiated_rows] = newrow;


The table has been successfully created, but now I am looking to change the "number" value within Row_Array[2] to something other than "i". Any insights on how I can approach this task effectively would be appreciated.

Answer №1

Assign a unique ID (name + loop index) for each td element and update the value using the td ID

var data = [{
  id: 0
}, {
  id: 1
}, {
  id: 2
}, {
  id: 3
var html = "";
data.forEach((element, i) => {
  html += "<td id='id" + i + "'>" + i + "</td>";
document.getElementById("table1").innerHTML = html;
document.getElementById("id2").innerHTML = "hai";
<table id="table1">


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