What causes Safari to display a black border around resized videos?

I've come across a strange issue while using Safari. Whenever I try to play an MP4 video with dimensions of 1920 * 1080, and resize the Safari window to a width of 937px, something strange happens:


A black border appears over the video. When I checked the computed style of the video element, it showed that the width is not actually 327 but rather 326 - which has left me puzzled.

However, when I tested the same MP4 video in Chrome, everything seemed fine:


No borders were present on the video in Chrome. The computed style for the video element under Chrome was also as expected:


I attempted to use object-fit: cover to resolve the issue in Safari, but unfortunately, it didn't work.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can fix this problem in Safari?


Here's a gif demonstrating the issue I'm facing:


Answer №1

Changing the default behavior of Safari in this particular case is not possible. Whenever you open the video directly, it will consistently lead to the same outcome. There is no way to control direct media pages such as MP4, MP3, JPEG, GIF, and so on.


If you want to make adjustments, you can instead embed the video into a basic HTML file (using <iframe> or <video>) and customize the settings there.

To eliminate the black line, you can simply add a border property with a value of 0 to the video element:

video {
  border: 0;

This will effectively remove the black line from the video display.

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