What causes my child element to be positioned with respect to the body even though its parent is set to relative positioning?

Here is the HTML code I am working with:

<div id="board">
<div class="person"></div>


And here is the CSS code:



My question concerns the positioning of the div with the class .person in relation to the div with the id #board. I expect the .person div to be positioned absolutely to its parent element #board since the parent is positioned relatively. However, even with a significant top value for .person, it does not stay within the boundaries of the parent div. Why is this happening? Any insights or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Upon reviewing your code, it appears to be functioning correctly. The issue lies in the .person class where you have specified top:34rem;

If you adjust the .person class to top:0rem; and modify the #board element's top:#rem to a different rem value, you will observe the .person element moving along with the #board

Furthermore, utilizing absolute positioning removes the element from the typical document flow, allowing you to position it anywhere on the webpage. Negative values are also effective. It is essential to note that the element searches for the first non-static element (the default position for elements) as a reference point, enabling you to use it as a marker instead of the window itself. If you omit the relative positioning on the #person and have no other non-static elements surrounding it, it will resort to the outermost element and essentially use the webpage as the reference for its initial placement. By including relative, it initiates its absolute positioning from that point, as it is the first non-static element. Despite this, you can still relocate it anywhere desired; it merely establishes its starting position from there.

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