What causes getBoundingClientRect() in Javascript to occasionally produce decimal values?

Currently, I am experimenting with an HTML5 canvas element. A major concern of mine is setting up a mousemove event to monitor the movement of the mouse over the canvas for drawing and other purposes. Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate a definitive answer on how to obtain the precise coordinates of the pixel in the canvas that the mouse is positioned over. In searching for guidance, I stumbled upon a tutorial online which included this snippet (I supplemented the background-color attribute to ensure visibility on the displayed page):

      body {
        margin: 0px;
        padding: 0px;

      #myCanvas {
        background-color: cornflowerblue;
    <canvas id="myCanvas" width="578" height="200"></canvas>

    // Remaining script code //

Upon loading the page, you should see the canvas as a blue rectangle situated at the upper left corner of the page. Hovering your mouse cursor over it will prompt a display within the canvas reflecting the current X and Y coordinates.

For experimentation purposes, I made minor adjustments to the canvas styling by implementing top and left margins while leaving the rest untouched.

#myCanvas {
  background-color: cornflowerblue;
  margin-left: 30px;
  margin-top: 30px;

Following these modifications, when previewed, the canvas's blue rectangular shape was indeed offset from the top and left borders on the page as anticipated. However, moving the mouse over the canvas now shows the X and Y positions as decimal numbers instead of integers like before. Upon inspecting the code further, the issue seems to stem from getBoundingClientRect() returning floated values for top and left properties.

I ponder if rectifying this discrepancy involves truncating or rounding the returned values from getBoundingClientRect(), yet such measures strike me as somewhat misguided.

This poses the question of whether my utilization of getBoundingClientRect() is flawed, or are floating point values the expected output?

Is there perhaps a straightforward method to reliably acquire the exact X and Y mouse coordinates when monitoring various mouse events over the canvas?

Answer №1

Summary: You accidentally zoomed in or out on your browser.

The Issue

margin-left: 30px;

In this example that replicates your problem, it doesn't behave as you described when my computer's browser zoom is set to 100% (standard). However, if you adjust the zoom level within your browser, you will observe this behavior.

margin-left: 11%;

If you utilize percentage (%) margins like in this demo, you will see that it accurately reflects the floating mouse position regardless of the zoom setting.

The Explanation

The issue arises because the mouse position is calculated based on how it displays on the screen—resulting in only whole number coordinates due to pixel-based measurements.

However, getBoundingClientRect provides the "Bounding Client Rect of the element", factoring in margins, zoom levels, and other modifications before rendering by the GPU. Essentially, it offers the true position of the element, which may involve decimals if using em/% values for positioning. While using pixel units keeps elements' positions integer-based, zooming or utilizing em/% can lead to floating-point positions.

The Solutions

  1. Round the bounds
  2. Accept it as a floating position requiring GPU rounding for display compatibility

Edit: Additional Solutions

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