What are the steps to implement a personalized material design theme on a Bootstrap component?

Utilizing Angular Material design components across my entire website for a cohesive look and feel. (Angular Material Design)

A custom theme has been crafted:

      .primaryPalette('red', {
          'default': '700',
          'hue-1': '100',
          'hue-2': '600',
          'hue-3': 'A100'

Struggling to locate the CSS necessary to define a badge, resorting to using Bootstrap's version which is overriding my custom theme.

How can this be resolved? Perhaps there's an alternative within material design CSS that I am unaware of?

Current setup: https://i.sstatic.net/2ke9M.png

Corresponding HTML:

 <div class="md-block" layout layout-align="center center">
                        <div flex="20" layout layout-align="center center">
                            <span class="md-body-1">Poll interval in days</span>
                        <md-slider class="md-primary" flex ng-model="client.PollIntervalInDays" step="1" min="1" max="100" aria-label="rating">
                        <div flex="20" layout layout-align="center center">
                            <h2><span class="label label-pill label-danger">{{client.PollIntervalInDays}}</span></h2>

Issue arises with mismatched colors between md-primary and label-danger. Attempts to apply md-primary directly on the span have proved futile.

Any suggestions or solutions?

Answer №1

Personally, I try to avoid mixing Bootstrap with Angular Material on a website. It just seems like a recipe for confusion and disorganization when dealing with two different CSS frameworks.

If you're looking to implement a badge in Angular Material, here's a codepen example: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/LjRxyz

This code snippet shows how to create a badge using a button and some CSS:

  margin: 0 0 0 8px;
  background-color: #259b24;
  color: white;
  padding: 2px 4px;
  border-radius: 4px;
  background-color: #F44336;

I've experimented with using a single md-chip as a makeshift badge and found it to be a decent alternative.

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