What are the key differences between using role and class selectors in HTML 5 and CSS3 to create two sidebars with three

My decision to eliminate all ids from my CSS and transition to HTML 5 has led me to question the use of roles in markup.

In the past, IDs were used to style sidebars individually within a single selector for both. Here is an example:

<div id="sidebar" class="sidebar widget-area"></div>
<div id="sidebar-alt" class="sidebar widget-area"></div>

However, with HTML 5, I am exploring different approaches that do not rely on IDs for styling. One possibility is using the role attribute to define specific roles for each sidebar:

<aside role="sidebar-primary" class="sidebar widget-area"></aside>
<aside role="sidebar-secondary" class="sidebar widget-area"></aside>

Another option is giving both sidebars the same role and using the role selector for common styles:

<aside role="sidebar" class="sidebar-primary widget-area"></aside>
<aside role="sidebar" class="sidebar-secondary widget-area"></aside>

I am seeking opinions on these options and wondering about the importance of the role attribute in future development. Additionally, considering the lack of definition for a "sidebar" role, alternative roles such as "complementary" may be more appropriate:

<aside role="complementary" class="sidebar-primary widget-area"></aside>
<aside role="complementary" class="sidebar-secondary widget-area"></aside>

Answer №1

roles hold significant importance in web development

  • If you're new to roles, check out this informative guide

  • Learn how to creatively style different roles

  • Explore the world of microformats for a deeper understanding

  • Dive into the insights shared in "Hardboiled Web Design" by Andy Clarke

  • For technical details, refer to the official WAI-ARIA documentation

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