What are the Functions of Ctrl-K on Stack Overflow?

I'm intrigued by how to incorporate the Ctrl+K (code sample) feature for code. For example:

public static void main(String args[]){

Is there a way to nicely format this?

  1. Do we need any specific package to achieve this?
  2. Is there any existing code available for implementing this feature?

Could someone assist me with this? I have plans to create a website where this functionality would be extremely beneficial.

Answer №1

If you're in need of the Google JavaScript code beautifier, then look no further.

As mentioned by rsp in the comments, it supports a wide range of languages. Check out the complete list here.

Answer №2

Is there a specific software needed for this task?

Yes, you will require certain software tools.

Are there any pre-written codes that can help with this?

Stack Overflow supports markdown and provides implementations for various programming languages.

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