What are the best methods for adjusting the size of a game's

I create games using HTML5/CSS/JS, but I am struggling to figure out how to make them scale to different screen resolutions. It seems like a simple task, but I can't seem to grasp it.


var RATIO = 480 / 800; // Initial ratio.
function resize() {
    var DEVICE_WIDTH = window.innerWidth,
        DEVICE_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight,
        scale = 1;
    // Adjusting scale based on window size changes
    if (ratio > RATIO) { 
        scale = DEVICE_HEIGHT / 800; // Divide by original viewport height
    } else { 
        scale = DEVICE_WIDTH / 480; // Divide by original viewport width

// Now you just need to apply this scale factor in your draw method for every element (x and y coordinates, width and height)

I hope this solution helps someone who was in the same boat as me :)

Answer №1

Suppose you have assigned the name canvas to your canvas element. The following code snippet can be used to resize the canvas without distorting its proportions:

function adjustSize(w, h)
    canvas.width = w; 
    canvas.style.width = w + "px";
    canvas.height = h; 
    canvas.style.height = h + "px";

//To implement this,
adjustSize(400, 250);

Answer №2

To customize it dynamically, adjust the settings as needed. For example, if your container has a specific ID or class

var container = document.getElementById(containerId);

var setDimensions = function(element) {
    return function (width, height) {
          element.style.width = width;
          element.style.height = height;

var resizeListener = setDimensions(container)(document.documentElement.clientWidth,document.documentElement.clientHeight);

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