What are some ways to ensure a form and its submission preview page are optimized for mobile devices?

Currently, I am struggling with ensuring my form and its submission preview page are mobile-responsive. While they appear correctly on a PC or laptop, the layout becomes inconsistent when viewed on a mobile device.

For example, the preview page spans 4 pages on a computer screen but extends to 8 pages on a mobile device, causing usability issues for mobile users.

I am looking for advice and solutions to make the form and its preview page responsive across all devices. How can I guarantee that both the form and preview display consistently, regardless of the screen size?

Any help or suggestions on achieving a mobile-responsive design for the form and preview page would be truly appreciated.


I am currently using Bootstrap's grid system to create a mobile-responsive layout, but I'm having trouble understanding columns and rows. Even after adding classes like "col" and "row," I still cannot achieve the desired responsiveness.

Answer №1

After reviewing your website, it is essential to comprehend the concept of creating a semantic website structure. For instance:

<main><form><input type="text"><input type="submit"></form></main>

It is crucial to design your website in a structured and semantic way, as demonstrated in the example provided above. Avoid patterns similar to what can be seen in this screenshot of your current website.

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