Currently experiencing a CSS transition issue related to scrolling. The problem arises when the user scrolls down, causing a class to be added to the header element in order to hide it by setting the "top" property to a negative value. However, upon scrolling back up, the "top" property should return to 0. Unfortunately, the transition effect intended to make this action smooth is not functioning correctly.
If you'd like to view the development site where this issue can be observed, please visit -
Upon inspecting the header element, you will notice that I have included the CSS property - transition: all 0.5s;
Attempts have been made to also apply this property to the classes nav-up and nav-down, which are toggled as you scroll up and down respectively. Despite this, the desired sliding effect for the header is not achieved, rather it simply disappears/appears abruptly. Any assistance on implementing a smooth sliding motion for the header would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!