SASS : Loop not producing the most efficient CSS output

Is there a way to optimize CSS generation using a @for loop in SASS?

An example speaks louder than words:

Here is my SASS code:

@for $i from 1 through 2 {
  .table-lg-#{$i}, .table-md-#{$i}, .table-sm-#{$i}, .table-xs-#{$i} {
        background: red;

This is what the SASS generates:

.table-lg-1, .table-md-1, .table-sm-1, .table-xs-1 {
  background: red;

.table-lg-2, .table-md-2, .table-sm-2, .table-xs-2 {
  background: red;

However, I would like the SASS to generate:

.table-lg-1, .table-md-1, .table-sm-1, .table-xs-1, .table-lg-2, .table-md-2, .table-sm-2, .table-xs-2 {
  background: red;

If you have any suggestions or solutions, please let me know!

Answer №1

To implement a silent class, utilize the extend method within a for loop.

%background-color {
  background: red;

@for $i from 1 through 2 {
  .table-lg-#{$i}, .table-md-#{$i}, .table-sm-#{$i}, .table-xs-#{$i} {
        @extend %background-color;

Check out this gist for reference.

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