Ways to troubleshoot the MudTabPanel during scrolling

I am trying to create a fixed text at the top of a scrollable MudTab. As I scroll down, I want the text to remain visible. Here is an example of what I have done:

<MudTabs Position="Position.Top"  PanelClass="pt-2" Style="height:320px; overflow-y: scroll">
    <MudTabPanel Text="Item One">
            [Content for Item One]
            [Additional Content for Item One]
    <MudTabPanel Text="Item Two">
        <MudText>Content Two</MudText>
    <MudTabPanel Text="Item Three">
        <MudText>Content Three</MudText>

Answer №1

It seems that the issue lies in your application of styles to the MudTabs element.

<MudTabs Position="Position.Top"  PanelClass="pt-2" Style="height:320px; overflow-y: scroll">
 <!-- Content -->

To resolve this, ensure you apply the styles to the tab content, specifically the MudText component.

<MudTabs Position="Position.Top" PanelClass="pt-2">
    <MudTabPanel Text="Item One">
        <MudText Style="max-height:320px; overflow-y: scroll;"> --Very long text--</MudText>
    <MudTabPanel Text="Item Two">
        <MudText Style="max-height:320px; overflow-y: scroll;"> --Very long text--</MudText>
    <MudTabPanel Text="Item Three">
        <MudText Style="max-height:320px; overflow-y: scroll;"> --Very long text--</MudText>

Check out this MudBlazor snippet for reference

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