Ways to toggle elements in AngularJS using a function that takes in the element class as a parameter similar to JQuery techniques

I've been searching for a solution to my problem, but haven't found one that meets my criteria of high performance and minimal code.

I have several drop-down menus and I'm looking for a way to toggle their visibility with just one function in JavaScript or JQuery without adding extra attributes to the HTML elements, keeping the DOM lightweight.

Consider these as my buttons (or links in HTML):

<a class="first-menu" href="#">First link</a>
<a class="second-menu" href="#">Second link</a>
<a class="third-menu" href="#">Third link</a>

<div class="first-menu-div">This is first MENU</div>
<div class="second-menu-div">This is Second MENU</div>
<div class="third-menu-div">This is Third MENU</div>

Here's an example using JQuery:

  $("a").click(function() {
    var class_name = $(this).attr('class');
    $("." + class_name + '-div').show();

Check out the simple JSfiddle demo for this functionality.

Now, I'm curious if there's a way to achieve the same functionality in Angular following Angular's best practices. For instance, we could use the following code:

<a ng-click="showHideMenu('menu1')">Show menu 1 </a>
<a ng-click="showHideMenu('menu2')">Show menu 2 </a>

And here's a possible controller implementation:

$scope.OpenHeaderMenu= function(elementClass){
                $(".menus > div").hide();
                 //Imagine Angular also offers hide() and show() methods, or a way to dynamically set ng-show and ng-hide based on variables

Is it possible to achieve this behavior in Angular like in JQuery, avoiding the use of ng-show and ng-hide, and adopting functional programming instead of relying on numerous if | else statements in the controller for simple menu toggling?

I anticipate having multiple menus on my pages and would prefer a straightforward function call with minimal code for better performance. I hope my inquiry is clear.

Answer №1

It seems your approach may not be the most effective as modifying DOM objects directly from a controller is generally discouraged. Instead, consider utilizing ng-show, ng-hide, and $scope in combination to update your view seamlessly.

An alternative implementation could look like this:

$scope.handleClick = function(showItem) {
    $scope.showItem = showItem;

In your HTML view:

<a ng-click="handleClick(true)">Show Menu 1</a>

<div ng-show="showItem">
Some item

Instead of manipulating elements directly within your controller, it's recommended to create a directive for this purpose. However, that's a different topic altogether.

I found a JSFiddle demo that might be helpful for what you're trying to achieve.

Hope this explanation clarifies things for you.

Edit: Simply pass a variable to ng-show with an expression to display elements based on specific conditions.

$scope.toggleMenu = function(item) {
    $scope.menuClass = item;

<a class="first-menu" ng-click="toggleMenu(1)" href="#">First Link</a>
<a class="second-menu" ng-click="toggleMenu(2)" href="#">Second Link</a>
<a class="third-menu" ng-click="toggleMenu(3)" href="#">Third Link</a>

<div class="first-menu-div" ng-show="menuClass == 1">
    This is the First Menu
<div class="second-menu-div" ng-show="menuClass == 2">
    This is the Second Menu
<div class="third-menu-div" ng-show="menuClass == 3">
    This is the Third Menu

Feel free to check out my JSFiddle example.

Answer №2

To implement ngshow without using any classes or selectors, you can refer to the code snippet below:

(function () {
  'use strict';

    .module('testApp', [])
    .controller('HeaderCtrl', function () {
      this.target =false;

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="testApp">
    <div ng-controller="HeaderCtrl as hd">
      <a href="#" ng-click="hd.target= 'first'">First link</a>
      <a href="#" ng-click="hd.target= 'second'">Second link</a>
      <a href="#" ng-click="hd.target= 'third'">Third link</a>

      <div ng-show="hd.target == 'first'">
        This is first MENU
      <div ng-show="hd.target == 'second'">
        This is Second MENU
      <div ng-show="hd.target == 'third'">
        This is Third MENU


Answer №3

One potential solution for your issue could be utilizing ng-switch along with ng-switch-when.

$scope.selectTab = function(tabNumber){
  $scope.activeTab = tabNumber;

Within your HTML view, you can implement the following:

<a ng-click="selectTab(1)">Display Tab 1 </a>
<a ng-click="selectTab(2)">Display Tab 2 </a>

<ANY ng-switch="activeTab">
  <ANY ng-switch-when="1">...</ANY>
  <ANY ng-switch-when="2">...</ANY>
  <ANY ng-switch-default>...</ANY>

You have the option to customize the initial section of the view, this is just a hardcoded example provided for demonstration purposes.

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