Ways to stop click propagation in the case of a parent anchor link containing a button among its children

Every time I click on the Link parent, it triggers a click event on the button as well. I want these events to be independent.

<Link className="product-item__link" to={`/products/${product.category}/${product.id}`} >
    <div className='product-item'>
        {/*Other elements are included here*/}
        <button className="product-item__btn" onClick={() => addToCart(product)}>Add to cart</button>

Answer №1

Ensure event propagation is stopped within the button's click function.

<Link className="product-item__link" to={`/products/${product.category}/${product.id}`} >
    <div className='product-item'>
        {/*I have here other elements*/}
        <button className="product-item__btn" onClick={(e) => addToCart(e, product)}>Add to cart</button>

Update function declaration for proper handling of events.

const addToCart = (e, product) => {
      //rest of the code...

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