Ways to retrieve information from elements using document.getElementsByClassName

Currently, I am trying to determine whether a specific CSS class is being used within the DOM. To do this, I've utilized the following code snippet:

var x = document.getElementsByClassName('classname');

Upon inspecting the output of variable x, I noticed that it returns an [object NodeList] regardless of whether the class exists in the page's elements or not. Is there a method for accessing properties of x, such as tag name or other attributes? It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could provide insight on the different properties of x and how they can be accessed.

Thank you :)

Answer №1

Take note that this is in its plural form:

let x = document.getElementsByClassName('classname');

You must loop through x to access the individual elements:

for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
  let element = x[i];


Ensure you include fallback support for Internet Exploder: http://ejohn.org/blog/getelementsbyclassname-speed-comparison/

Answer №2

If you are looking to verify the existence of a specific class in the document, another option is to utilize the querySelector method.

var element = document.querySelector('.classname');

This method will return null if there are no elements with that particular class, or it will return the first element found with the specified class name. If you want to target all elements with the class classname:

var elements = document.querySelectorAll('.classname');

Now, the variable elements will be null if the class is not present in the document, otherwise it will contain a Nodelist that includes all elements with the class classname. You can iterate through this list similar to how Blender demonstrated. During this iteration, you can access properties like the element's tagName or its id. For example:

for (var i=0; i<element.length; i++) {
   console.log(elements[i].id + ': ' + elements[i].tagName);

The document.querySelector method is supported in most modern browsers, as well as IE version 8 and above.

Answer №3

Typically, my go-to method is using document.querySelector - this function "Returns the first element within the document that matches the specified group of selectors", providing me with an element object.

Interestingly, when I look at my Chrome console, I often find myself writing:

var img = document.getElementsByClassName('image__pic');

Despite having access to img[0], it doesn't offer any additional attributes or methods for autocompletion. It's as if they don't exist (even though I could use img[0].src, for example).

In contrast, using:

var imgq = document.querySelector('.image__pic')

Provides me with helpful autocompletion in the Console:


Not only does it have great browser support,


but it is also less complicated to use compared to getElementsByClassName, which returns an HTMLCollection.

An added advantage of querySelector is its flexibility - it accepts any type of CSS selector!

However, on the downside, querySelector may be a bit slower. Regardless, I believe the benefits outweigh this drawback.

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