Ways to release the binding of an element and then re-enable it for future use

Encountering an issue with dynamically unbinding and binding elements using jQuery.

Currently working on creating a mobile tabbing system where users can navigate using left and right arrows to move content within ul.tube. The right arrow shifts the ul.tube to margin-left: -300px, and the left arrow shifts it to margin-left: 300px.

The problem arises when hitting the maximum -900px on the left shift, causing the right arrow to be unbound. I want to rebind the right arrow when clicking the left arrow after reaching

-900px</code, enabling users to seamlessly tab back and forth between directions.</p>

<p><a href="https://i.sstatic.net/yWymM.jpg" rel="nofollow">Example Screenshot</a></p>

<p>Here is an example of the HTML code:</p>

<pre><code><div id="how-we_set">
    <i class="fa fa-chevron-left left"></i><br>
    <i class="fa fa-chevron-right right"></i><p></p>
    <ul class="tube">
        <li>Discovery 2</li>
        <li>Discovery 3</li>
        <li>Discovery 4</li>
    <div id="tab1">
        <div><span>This is some text</span>This is some text</div>
        <div><span>This is some text</span>This is some text</div>
        <div><span>This is some text</span>This is some text</div>
        <div><span>This is some text</span>This is some text</div>
    <div id="tab2">
        <div><span>This is some text</span>This is some text</div>
        <div><span>This is some text</span>This is some text</div>
        <div><span>This is some text</span>This is some text</div>
        <div><span>This is some text</span>This is some text</div>
    <div id="tab3">
        <div><span>This is some text</span>This is some text</div>
        <div><span>This is some text</span>This is some text</div>
        <div><span>This is some text</span>This is some text</div>
        <div><span>This is some text</span>This is some text</div>
    <div id="tab4">
        <div><span>This is some text</span>This is some text</div>
        <div><span>This is some text</span>This is some text</div>
        <div><span>This is some text</span>This is some text</div>
        <div><span>This is some text</span>This is some text</div>

Below is the current JavaScript utilized:

$('#how-we_set i.right').click(function handler() {
    $("#how-we_set ul.tube li").addClass("active");
    $("#how-we_set i.left").css('color', 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)');
    $('#how-we_set ul.tube').animate({
        'marginLeft' : "-=300px"
    function () {
      if ($(this).css ('marginLeft') >= "-900px") {
        $("#how-we_set i.right").unbind('click', handler);
        $("#how-we_set i.right").css('color', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)';
$('#how-we_set i.left').click(function handler2() {
    $("#how-we_set i.right").css('color', 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)');
    $('#how-we_set ul.tube').animate({
         'marginLeft' : "+=300px"
    function () {
       if ($(this).css ('marginLeft') >= "0px") {
           $("#how-we_set i.left").unbind('click');
            $("#how-we_set i.left").css('color', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)');
    $('#how-we_set i.right').bind(handler);

Upon reviewing the provided screenshot, aiming to achieve seamless tabbing experience for all content below on arrow clicks.

Seeking guidance on improving functionality as expected. Open to innovative suggestions.

Answer №1

Consider implementing dedicated handler functions like the following:

$('#how-we_set i.right').click(right_click_handler);
$('#how-we_set i.left').click(left_click_handler);

function bind_handlers(element) {
    if (parseInt(element.css('marginLeft')) <= -900) {
        $("#how-we_set i.right").css('color', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)');
    } else {
        $("#how-we_set i.right").bind('click', right_click_handler);

    if (parseInt(element.css('marginLeft') >= 0) {
        $("#how-we_set i.left").css('color', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)');
    } else {
        $("#how-we_set i.left").bind('click', left_click_handler);

function right_click_handler() {
    $("#how-we_set i.right").unbind('click', right_click_handler);
    $("#how-we_set ul.tube li").addClass("active");
    $("#how-we_set i.left").css('color', 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)');
    $('#how-we_set ul.tube').animate({
        'marginLeft' : "-=300px"
    function () {

function left_click_handler() {
    $("#how-we_set i.left").unbind('click', left_click_handler);
    $("#how-we_set i.right").css('color', 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)');
    $('#how-we_set ul.tube').animate({
        'marginLeft' : "+=300px"
    function () {

These modifications focus on handling registration. Please note that in the original jsFiddle demo, both buttons are initially active, but ideally, the top button (left) should be disabled at first. If you encounter a peculiar behavior by clicking the top button first due to the initial state, trying clicking the bottom button first should work smoothly and avoid the oddity.

To streamline the code and eliminate redundancies, consider refactoring it accordingly. I've restructured it as follows (refer to the updated jsFiddle https://jsfiddle.net/mgaskill/w5kz7e1h/):

var how_we_set = $("#how-we_set");
var ul_tube = how_we_set.find("ul.tube");
var ul_tube_li = ul_tube.find("li");
var right_i = how_we_set.find("i.right");
var left_i = how_we_set.find("i.left");

function right_click_handler() {
    click_handler($(this), "-=300px");

function left_click_handler() {
    click_handler($(this), "+=300px");

function click_handler(element, amount) {
    right_i.unbind('click', right_click_handler);
    left_i.unbind('click', left_click_handler);

        'marginLeft' : amount

function update_buttons_state() {
    var marginLeft = parseInt(ul_tube.css('marginLeft'));

    right_i.css('color', 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)');
    left_i.css('color', 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)');

    if (+marginLeft <= -900) {
      right_i.css('color', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)');
    } else {
      right_i.bind('click', right_click_handler);

    if (marginLeft >= 0) {
      left_i.css('color', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)');
    } else {
      left_i.bind('click', left_click_handler);


Although this version retains similar line counts, it optimizes jQuery selections and consolidates click-handling logic for consistent button behaviors. Moreover, with the separate update_buttons_state() function, you can ensure the buttons' states prior to UI initialization to prevent erratic behaviors caused by incorrect starting conditions.

The updated script also unbinds click handlers before triggering animation with animate in order to prevent multiple rapid clicks during ongoing animations. Additionally, converting pixel values to integers allows accurate comparisons when assessing the right-side limit (-900px).

Answer №2

Simply swap

$('#how-we_set i.right').click(function() {


$('#how-we_set).on('click', 'i.right', function() {}

Do the same thing for the other handler. Check out this concise jsfiddle.

Learn more about event delegation in jQuery here.

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