Is there a way to add padding in between icons while keeping them in the same row without using external styles.js?
<a href={item.facebookPage}><Button > <i class="fab fa-facebook-square fa-3x"></i></Button></a>
<a href={item.instagram}><Button variant='warning'> <i class="fab fa-instagram fa-3x"></i></Button></a>
<a href={item.twitter}><Button variant='primary'> <i class="fab fa-twitter fa-3x"></i></Button></a>
<a href={}><Button variant='danger'> <i class="fab fa-youtube fa-3x"></i></Button></a>
<a href={item.linkedIn}><Button variant='light'> <i class="fab fa-linkedin-in fa-3x"></i></Button></a>
The current appearance of the icons can be seen here: