Ways to implement JavaScript and CSS to set a specific zoom level for a webpage

Looking for a solution using html/css/javascript to standardize the zoom level on a website page. Any suggestions on how to implement this with javascript?

Answer №1

I have discovered a truly effective method for designing my HTML/CSS by using the units "vw" and "vh" (% relative to the viewport) instead of "px". This approach can be applied to various elements such as font size, width, height, padding, margin, and more. It is particularly beneficial for creating pages meant to be displayed in full screen without scrolling or in a "Kiosk-style" format. Additionally, utilizing "vw" and "vh" ensures that the design remains consistent regardless of browser zoom levels. To learn more about these CSS units, check out: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_units.asp

Answer №2

One way to adjust the scale in CSS using Javascript is by utilizing the document.onLoad function. Here's a sample code snippet:

var minimum_width = 840;        
var desired_width = 1440;       
var actual_width = document.all ? document.body.clientWidth : window.innerWidth;
var actual_height = document.all ? document.body.clientHeight : window.innerHeight;
if (desired_width > actual_width) {
    desired_width = actual_width;
if (desired_width < minimum_width) {
    desired_width = minimum_width;
var scale = Math.round(actual_width/desired_width*100)/100;
var desired_height = Math.round(actual_height/scale);
var body = document.body;
body.style.transform = "scale(" + scale + ")";
body.style.width = desired_width + "px";
body.style.minHeight = (desired_height) + "px";

This script should be functional across various popular web browsers.

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