Mobile browsers consistently display a horizontal scroll bar

My website is displaying a horizontal scrollbar on Android devices in browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Opera Mini. It does not show correctly on the Android Default browser, appearing broken.

In contrast, when comparing my site to the full desktop version of, Google's website does not encounter the same issue with scrollbars.

As a beginner in CSS and HTML, I suspect I may be unknowingly breaking a basic rule that is causing this problem. Any suggestions on how to resolve this?

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Answer №1

The reason for the horizontal scroll bar is due to fixed widths being applied to certain elements on your website. This causes them to extend beyond the viewport width when viewed on a mobile browser. By using percentage-based widths, your webpage will be more responsive and able to adapt to different screen sizes.

Answer №2

If you add overflow-x: hidden; to your body tag styles, any content outside the width of the phone will be inaccessible. Alternatively, creating a responsive layout using media queries can solve this issue.

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