Ways to identify if the text entered in a text area is right-to-left justified

Within a textarea, users can input text in English (or any other left-to-right language) or in a right-to-left language.

If the user types in a right-to-left language, they must press Right-shift + ctrl to align the text to the right. However, on modern OSes like Windows, users can set their own key combinations to switch languages and text directions.

I understand how to display text as right-to-left, but how can I determine the direction that the text should be displayed?

Is there a method to detect whether the text entered in a textarea/text-field was typed as right-to-left?

Answer №1

My solution is straightforward and elegant. By including the attribute dir="auto" in the elements, the browser will take care of the rest!

Check it out here: http://www.example.com/tags/att_global_dir

Answer №2

Give this a try:

var rtl_rx = /[\u0591-\u07FF]/;
    this.style.direction = rtl_rx.test(this.value) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';

This code snippet uses a simplified regular expression to detect right-to-left (RTL) text direction.


While it may not cover every single RTL character in the Unicode table, it should suffice for most practical cases involving Hebrew and Arabic characters, as well as vowelization marks.

Answer №3

If you want to detect the language orientation of text using JavaScript/jQuery, you can utilize regular expressions. However, keep in mind that JavaScript's built-in regular expressions have limitations, so incorporating the XRegExp library with full Unicode support is recommended. By utilizing expressions like \p{Hebrew}, you can identify which block of Unicodes the characters belong to.

To tackle this issue, I created a function that scans through each character in a string and tallies the occurrences of Hebrew characters (as my website is bilingual in Yiddish/English). Based on the score obtained, an 'rtl' class is added to elements with a high score. To make this approach more generic, you can expand the loop to encompass all RTL languages in Unicode.

Here is a useful link to a sample implementation: http://jsfiddle.net/Swyu4/9/

Make sure to reference the External Resources section linking to the XRegExp libraries within the jsfiddle.

$('p').each(function() {

function isRTL(str) {
    var isHebrew = XRegExp('[\\p{Hebrew}]');
    var isLatin = XRegExp('[\\p{Latin}]');
    var partLatin = 0;
    var partHebrew = 0;
    var rtlIndex = 0;
    var isRTL = false;

    rtlIndex = partHebrew/(partLatin + partHebrew);
    if(rtlIndex > .5) {
        isRTL = true;

    return isRTL;

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