Having trouble loading the linked CSS file in the Jade template

My directory structure is organized as follows:


In the file mixins.jade, I have created some general purpose blocks like 'boilerplate', 'nav', and 'nav item'. The main file is test.jade.

include mixins
doctype html 
        +nav("Voting app","navigation_menu")
            +nav_item("#","active") Home
            +nav_item("#") Signup
            +nav_item("#") Login

Here is my app.js file:

var express=require('express');
var path=require('path');
var app=express();
app.set('view engine','jade');

The issue I am facing is that the mystyle.css file is not being loaded. When checking the network option in the developer console of Mozilla, it shows error 404 for the request for mystyle.css (request url-http://localhost:8000/public/css/mystyle.css) Can someone please advise me on what to do? Thank you for your assistance.

Answer №1

You can skip using the relative path for loading your css file, as you have already designated your public directory as a static resource.

To update your link line, use the following:


Answer №2

All you need to do is:


Answer №3

Absolute path is the way to go with node.js, as relative paths won't work properly. To ensure everything runs smoothly, make sure to specify absolute paths like this:


Additionally, you should designate your directory as a public folder by including the following line in your code:


This means that there's no need to include "public" in the path when referencing CSS files.

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