Ways to ensure the menu remains fixed on a fluid website

Is there a way to prevent the main-menu from moving to a second line when resizing the page down, while still maintaining fluidity?

Thank you, Ken

Answer №1

To prevent the menu from wrapping onto two lines in most cases, you can make some adjustments. However, it's difficult to guarantee that it will never happen because factors like browser zoom level, font styles, and font sizes can affect the menu width.

Based on my default browser settings, your menu is currently 865px wide. Considering the gutters, the small-screen stylesheet should have a max-width of 972px to ensure the drop-down menu displays before the main menu wraps onto two lines. It might be safer to set the max-width at 975px to accommodate varying browser behaviors, but this still assumes the user is at 100% zoom with the specified fonts and sizes.

You can find the relevant code in responsive.css on line 51:

@media only screen and (max-width: 975px) {

Applying a min-width directly to the menu may encounter similar issues and could result in the menu extending beyond the main wrapper boundaries, as you've observed.

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