Ways to ensure the height of an element is consistent across various device modes

Testing out the angular-youtube-embed plugin with Chrome Dev tools' device mode, I wanted to see how the YouTube element would appear.

Here's my code:

<div class="fixed-header my-video">
    <div style="padding:0px;">
        <youtube-video  video-url='vm.videoUrl' player-vars="{controls : 0}" 
           player-width="'100%'" player-height="'180px;'"></youtube-video> 





When testing on an iPhone5 in device mode, everything looks good. But on an iPhone6, the video appears smaller even though the height is set to 180px. Setting it to around 31% of the viewport height (around 207px) seems to work better for iPhone6.

I tried using '31vh' for the height in my CSS and passed it to the angular-youtube-embed component as well. However, the element's height ended up being 150px instead of 31% of the viewport height.

So, my question is, how can I make the height of the angular-youtube-embed element dynamically adjust to 31% of the viewport size?

Answer №1

implement media query for responsive design

@media (max-width: 1200px) {
  .video-container {

@media (max-width: 600px) {
  .video-container {

Answer №2

A big shoutout to all the amazing individuals who offered their assistance.

After much trial and error, I finally managed to achieve success by implementing the following code:

 vm.height = (0.5625 * $window.innerWidth);

This simple solution effectively maintains the aspect ratio of 16:9 while keeping the width at 100%.

Answer №3

Consider utilizing height as a percentage instead of in pixels. Using percentages allows the component to adjust based on the relative size of the window, offering more flexibility compared to specific pixel dimensions.

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