Material-UI Grid in Full Width Mode is malfunctioning

I've been delving into the Material-UI@next grid layout system to grasp its intricacies.

What I'm aiming for is to have two papers that stretch across the entire width of the screen and collapse into one paper when the screen size shrinks. The documentation provides the following code snippet:

    <Grid container spacing={24}>
      <Grid item xs={12}>
      <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}>
        <Paper>xs=12 sm=6</Paper>
      <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}>
        <Paper>xs=12 sm=6</Paper>
      <Grid item xs={6} sm={3}>
        <Paper>xs=6 sm=3</Paper>
      <Grid item xs={6} sm={3}>
        <Paper>xs=6 sm=3</Paper>
      <Grid item xs={6} sm={3}>
        <Paper>xs=6 sm=3</Paper>
      <Grid item xs={6} sm={3}>
        <Paper>xs=6 sm=3</Paper>

The code above produces this output:

To achieve my desired outcome of having just two papers, I tweaked the code as follows:

    <Grid container spacing={24}>
      <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}>
        <Paper>xs=12 sm=6</Paper>
      <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}>
        <Paper>xs=12 sm=6</Paper>

However, as depicted in this screenshot, the two papers don't span the whole width of the screen:

Could someone guide me to a functional example snippet that enables me to achieve full-width display for both elements?

Answer №1

It appears that the Container component may be causing some issues for you. Without seeing its implementation, I have provided a sample below to help illustrate what you are trying to achieve.

Material utilizes flexbox, which includes the flexGrow property.

The flex-grow CSS property determines how much space within the flex container each item should occupy. It is relative to the other children in the flex-container.

This property controls the element growth within the grid layout.

import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { withStyles } from 'material-ui/styles';
import Paper from 'material-ui/Paper';
import Grid from 'material-ui/Grid';

const styles = theme => ({
  root: {
    flexGrow: 1,
  paper: {
    padding: theme.spacing.unit * 2,
    textAlign: 'center',
    color: theme.palette.text.secondary,

function CenteredGrid(props) {
  const { classes } = props;

  return (
    <div className={classes.root}>
        <Grid container spacing={24}>
          <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}>
            <Paper>xs=12 sm=6</Paper>
          <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}>
            <Paper>xs=12 sm=6</Paper>

CenteredGrid.propTypes = {
  classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired,

export default withStyles(styles)(CenteredGrid);

Answer №2

In order to optimize responsiveness, it is recommended to test various breakpoints and define the allocation of space for different screen widths.

<Grid item xs={12} sm={12} md={12} lg={6} xl={4}>


xs, extra small: 0px

sm, small: 600px

md, medium: 960px

lg, large: 1280px

xl, extra-large: 1920px

xs: Determines the number of grid units the component will occupy, with lower priority across all screen sizes.

sm: Specifies the number of grid units at the sm breakpoint and beyond if not overridden.

md: Indicates the number of grid units at the md breakpoint and beyond if not overridden.

(and so on) more information can be found here:

Answer №3

If you're using Material UI along with styled-components, here's a helpful tip on adjusting the grid items to expand properly:

import GridBase from "@material-ui/core/Grid";

const Grid = styled(GridBase)`
  .MuiGrid-root {
    flex-grow: 1;

With this setup, you'll be able to seamlessly incorporate Grid into your components.

Answer №4

Even though this question is a bit dated, I wanted to chime in.

The issue with your code lies in the spacing={24} parameter. According to the documentation on Spacing, the default spacing between grid items follows a linear function: output(spacing) = spacing * 8px

For example, using spacing={24} results in a gap that is 192px wide. As a result, there isn't much space left for the content.

<Grid container spacing={2}> // Typically, using 2 or 3 is sufficient for me
  <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}>
    <Paper>xs=12 sm=6</Paper>
  <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}>
    <Paper>xs=12 sm=6</Paper>

Answer №5

After encountering the same problem, I found a solution that worked for me by utilizing the "sx" property to set the parent grid's width to 100%. Take a look at the code snippet below:

<Container sx={{ width: '100%' }}>
<Button variant="contained" fullWidth> Click Me </Button>

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