Ways to eliminate hover effect in CSS

I have a text that is currently displayed as a hyperlink, and some CSS code is causing it to underline and become bold when hovered over. I want to remove the hyperlink, but still keep this style by default without needing to hover over the text. Here is my HTML and CSS code:

.faq .section p.quetn a:hover {
<p class="quetn"><a href="">5.14 Where do i see my test results?</a></p>

It's important that I cannot change the existing CSS, so I need to override it with a new class. Can you help me accomplish this? Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

When the link is not being hovered, simply follow this rule:

.faq .section p.quetn a, .faq .section p.quetn a:hover {


I've noticed that you are unable to modify the CSS for some reason.

You can create a new class with the same styles instead.

a.class, a.class:hover {

<a class="class" title="" href="#">Some Link</a>


If you want to style the text without the link markup, you can do the following:

Simply use:

<p class="class">Text</p>

p.class {

Answer №2

I enjoy it this way


styling with css

.quetn a:hover {

Answer №3

Instead of using the following CSS selector:

.faq .section p.quetn a:hover

You should use:

.faq .section p.quetn a

If you want to target only the P tag instead of the anchor tag, then use this selector:

.faq .section p.quetn

Answer №4

Learn to style HTML elements using CSS

<p class="info newStyle"><a href="">How to customize text decorations?</a></p>    

CSS for Text Decorations

.info a:hover {

.newStyle a:hover{
        text-decoration:none !important
        font-weight:bold !important
        cursor:default !important

Remember to use !important for higher priority when styling elements.

Answer №5

Below is the code to enable Hover:

a:hover {
  background-color: yellow;

Below is the code to disable Hover:

a:nohover {
  background-color: yellow;

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