Ways to dynamically modify the CSS attributes of a webpage during the page load event

I'm looking to incorporate the

background:rgba(226, 93, 141, 0.76)
attribute into the body:after psuedo-element once my page has finished loading.

Below is my HTML and CSS code:

<style runat="server" id="myStyle" >

Is there a way for me to target the body:after element during the page load event?

Answer №1

Add a fresh class called 'active' and include it in the body element.


    background:rgba(112, 201, 45, 0.89);

Next, implement jQuery following Faiz Ahmed's advice:

$(window).load(function() {

Answer №2

The issue has been resolved:

     protected void Load_Page(object sender, EventArgs e)
                setStyle.InnerHtml = " body:after{ 
background:rgba(226, 93, 141, 0.76)";

<style runat="server" id="setStyle"  >


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