Ways to deactivate text box and link

In my table, users can add rows with each row being numbered. Before adding any rows, the user must enter a number in a textbox indicating how many rows they want to add. Once that number is reached, no more rows can be added.

if (qnum >= <?php echo (int)@$_POST['textQuestion']; ?>) {

For example, if a user enters '5' in the textbox, only 5 rows can be added. Any attempts to add more will be blocked as the limit has been reached.

My question is, once the user reaches the maximum number of rows, I want to disable a textarea (making it unclickable and changing its color to show it's disabled). I also want to disable a hyperlink so it cannot be clicked on (again changing its color to indicate it's inactive). Does anyone know how to achieve this?

Below is the code for the hyperlink and the textarea:

<table id="question">
    <th colspan="2">
        Question Number <span id="questionNum">1</span>
    <td rowspan="3">Question:</td> 
    <td rowspan="3">
        <textarea id="questionTextArea" rows="5" cols="40" name="questionText"></textarea>
        <span href="#" class="link">[Question link]</span>

Jquery function showing how a table row is added:

function insertQuestion(form) {   

    var questionarea=(form.questionText.length)
            ? form.questionText[0]
            : form.questionText;

        var context = $('#optionAndAnswer');
    var currenttotal = context.find('.answerBtnsOn').length;        

    alertErrors = "";
    if (questionarea.value == ""){

    if (qnum >= <?php echo (int)@$_POST['textQuestion']; ?>) {

    var $tbody = $('#qandatbl > tbody'); 
    var $tr = $("<tr class='optionAndAnswer' align='center'></tr>");
    var $qid = $("<td class='qid'>" + qnum + "</td>");



Html table where the new row is added:

<table id="qandatbl" align="center>
    <th class="qid">Question No</th>

View this demonstration here. You can write a question in the top textarea, then click the button to add it as a new row. My goal is to disable the top textarea once the row limit is reached.

Answer №1

Are you dynamically adding rows using JavaScript/AJAX, or are they loaded when the page loads?

If it's the former situation (as shown in your initial code snippet), consider using a JavaScript counter to keep track of the number of rows. When the user triggers the function to add a row, check this counter first. You can then display an alert and disable certain elements based on the count:

With jQuery, you have the option to disable form elements. Simply swap out a link with plain text by removing the <a> tag and adjusting its styling using CSS methods like $(ele).css() or enclosing it in a <span> tag.

If the rows are added upon page load using PHP, you can directly write the textarea with the disabled attribute already set within the opening <textarea> tag. For links, follow the same approach mentioned earlier by wrapping them in a <span> instead of an anchor tag.

// To disable
$('.someElement').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

// To enable

Make sure to include the jQuery library for these features. I recommend using Google's hosted version: https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js.

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