Ways to customize the border of the ListItemButton when it's in a selected state using Material UI?

I'm currently working on a feature that involves highlighting a ListItemButton with a specific background color when selected. However, I now want to take it a step further and add an outline or border color around the ListItemButton when it is selected. Unfortunately, my attempt using the borderColor attribute is not yielding the desired result.


See the source code snippet below:

 /* eslint-disable react/react-in-jsx-scope -- Unaware of jsxImportSource */
/** @jsxImportSource @emotion/react */
import { useState } from "react";
import ListItemButton from "@mui/material/ListItemButton";
import { css } from "@emotion/react";

export default function TestSample() {

  const [selected2, setSelected2] = useState(false);

  return (
    <div className="App">
          "&.Mui-selected": {
            backgroundColor: "#02A7DD",
            borderColor: "red",
          "&.Mui-focusVisible": {
            backgroundColor: "#02A7DD",
            borderColor: "red",
          ":hover": {
            backgroundColor: "#02A7DD",
            borderColor: "red",
        onClick={() => setSelected2((prev) => !prev)}


I would greatly appreciate any insights or feedback you can provide, especially since I am currently delving into MUI and trying to grasp its functionality and implementation. Thank you for your assistance!

Answer №1

The borderWidth and borderStyle properties are necessary for your current red border to be visible. Right now, the border is there but it's 0 pixels thick.

Alternatively, you can use a shorthand approach by simply specifying the border property like this:

    border: '1px solid red'

This is equivalent to:

    borderStyle: 'solid',
    borderWidth: '1px',
    borderColor: 'red'

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