Ways to change the background color of cells with spaces in HTML to black


How can I change the cells that have a space or any separator to be black in color?

This snippet shows my HTML code:

 <table >

        <thead class="table table-bordered table-responsive">

            <tr *ngFor="let ligne of grilleHaut">

                <td *ngFor="let charac of ligne.tabDesCar">{{charac}}</td>




[![enter image description here][2]][2]

Answer №1

Give this solution a try and see if it works:

    <thead class="table table-bordered table-responsive">
        <tr *ngFor="let row of topGrid">

            <td *ngFor="let char of row.characterArray" style="padding: 0px;">

                <span *ngIf="char!=''"> {{char}}</span>
                <span *ngIf="char==''" style="background-color: black;width: 100%;height: 100%!important;display: table;">N/A</span>



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