Ways to append each list item from one unordered list to the end of another based on their unique styles

I am in the process of making a website responsive and I am faced with the task of combining two different menus. In order to achieve this, I need to transfer all list items (li) from one unordered list (ul) to another.

Provided below is a simplified version of the current markup:

<ul class="navigation-menu">

<ul class="nav-bar">

The goal is to append all list items from nav-bar at the end of the navigation-menu list and then hide the nav-bar from being visible on the web page.

This is my attempted solution:

$('ul.nav-bar li').each(function() {

I am uncertain about how to go about solving this issue. Any guidance or pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

If you want to add items to the bottom of the .navigation-menu, you can use the appendTo() method:

$('ul.nav-bar li').each(function() {

To hide another div at a specific screen width, you can utilize media queries in CSS (although it will be hidden because it will be empty):

@media only screen and (max-width: 500px //example){
    display: none;

You could also achieve this with JavaScript if desired, but CSS would suffice:




Thanks to vladkras for pointing out that the JavaScript code can be shortened to:

$('ul.nav-bar li').appendTo('ul.navigation-menu');


Answer №2

const mainNav = $('.main-navigation'),
    links = mainNav.find('a');
mainNav.hide(); // or use .remove() to completely remove it from the DOM


Answer №3

Hello, I have an example for you to check out: Example

If you want to add more menu items after the existing second menu, all you need to do is clone the list elements and append them to the navigation menu using jQuery.

  var children = $(".nav-bar li").clone();
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<ul class="navigation-menu">

<ul class="nav-bar">

You can also hide elements based on a specific breakpoint, such as hiding the .nav-bar when the screen width is 769px or less.

@media screen and (max-width:769px){
        display: none;

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