Ways to allow scroll events on top of an overlay without passing click events

My goal is to develop a unique map annotation tool with custom controls, not relying on the built-in features of map providers.

Imagine something like this:


I had the idea of placing a canvas over the map for this purpose.

However, I encountered a challenge: when the overlay is present, zooming in and out on the map using the scroll wheel becomes disabled.

If I apply pointer-events: none to the canvas, I lose the ability to draw on it as well.

To see a demo of the issue, visit: https://codepen.io/vandrieu/pen/qBqdpzX?editors=1010

Is there a way to allow drawing on the canvas while still enabling zoom functionality on the map through mouse scrolling?

How would you approach solving this dilemma?

Answer №1

After taking inspiration from Rojo's comment, I delved into event dispatching and crafted a method to send an event to another element.

function redirectEvent(eventType, fromElementSelector, toElementSelector) {
  const fromElement=document.querySelector(fromElementSelector)
  const toElement=document.querySelector(toElementSelector)
  fromElement.addEventListener(eventType, function (event) {
    toElement.dispatchEvent(new event.constructor(event.type, event));

However, I faced obstacles,

Initially, the scroll event didn't trigger. It dawned on me that I should be using wheel instead of scroll.

Moreover, the attempt to dispatch the event in this manner:

redirectEvent("wheel", '#canvas2', '#map2')
Was unsuccessful. I speculated that maybe I needed to target the canvas within the map (which is drawn using a canvas).

Hence, I modified it to:

redirectEvent("wheel", '#canvas2', '#map2 canvas')
Yet, it still didn't yield results.

The issue was that upon page load, the canvas inside the map wasn't rendered yet.

But with a bit of patience:

setTimeout(() => {
redirectEvent("wheel", '#canvas2', '#map2 canvas')   


Witness the updated demonstration (map number 2): https://codepen.io/vandrieu/pen/qBqdpzX?editors=1010

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