Ways to align content in the center using Vuetify3

I have a component positioned at the top of the page, but I would like it to be centered instead.

Something like this:

Here is my current code:

  <v-container class="align-center" fill-height fluid>
    <v-row class="d-flex justify-center mb-6">
      <h1>Counter <v-icon>mdi-clock-outline</v-icon></h1>
    <v-row class="d-flex justify-center mb-6">
      <h2>{{ count }}</h2>
    <v-row class="d-flex justify-center mb-6">
      <v-btn @click="increment" class="mx-5" icon><v-icon>mdi-plus</v-icon></v-btn>
      <v-btn @click="decrement" class="mx-5" icon><v-icon>mdi-minus</v-icon></v-btn>

Could someone please advise me on how to center everything using Vuetify3? Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Make sure to add the d-flex class names to the container component and enclose v-row components within v-col:

 <v-container class="align-center d-flex" fill-height fluid>
        <v-row class="d-flex justify-center mb-6">
          <h1>Counter <v-icon>mdi-clock-outline</v-icon>
        <v-row class="d-flex justify-center mb-6">
          <h2>{{ count }}</h2>
        <v-row class="d-flex justify-center mb-6">
          <v-btn class="mx-5" icon>
          <v-btn class="mx-5" icon>

Check out a demo here

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